Our lecture series aims to bring together professionals from across the property sphere in their first 5 years of practice, or within the sector, to share knowledge and experience of key issues.
We will provide a practical look at the key areas facing property practitioners and guidance, based on our experience of County Court, First Tier Tribunal and High Court, on how to overcome such issues.
Each lecture starts at 6pm followed by drinks at 7pm.
Spaces are limited so please reserve your place by emailing David Portch, Senior Clerk, on davidportch@fivepaper.com.
23.01.2019 Residential property: (1) Deposits (2) Unfair terms in residential leases
We will be tackling residential property issues by looking at how a breach of a condition of the tenancy would be treated if the tenant had been granted an assured shorthold tenancy, long lease or shared ownership lease. The different approaches will hopefully open up some discussion about the different types of tenure commonly used in the private rental sphere. During this session we will re-cap on the overly complicated tenancy deposit rules and the key things to check for.
The Seminar will then look at unfair terms in tenancy agreements following the case of Jones v Roundlistic Ltd [2018] EWCA Civ 2284 and situations where a landlord is able to use their discretion as to the terms of the tenancy as per Braganza v BP Shipping [2015] UKSC 17.
20.02.2019 Commercial forfeiture
20.03.2019 Death and Property issues
01.05.2019 Insolvency and Property issues
Notes available on request for the first two lectures ‘Service Charges Part 1: (1) introduction (2) What is a Qualifying Long Term Agreement?’ and ‘Service Charges Part 2: (1) Reasonableness (2) Variations (3) Costs in the FTT’.