Felix Gibson
- Called: 2021
- felixgibson@fivepaper.com
Felix joined Chambers in October 2023 following his successful completion of pupillage. He is currently building a practice across Chambers’ main practice areas.
Felix receives instructions to appear in the County Court and High Court alongside a busy advisory practice. He also provides seminars and training across Chambers’ practice areas.
Before joining Chambers, Felix worked as a paralegal at an international law firm, then went on to work as the lead compliance analyst for a City law firm.
Commercial and Insolvency
Felix has acted in a range of commercial disputes, ranging from advising at the pre-action stage through to trial.
Recent experience includes:
- Advising on a potential challenge to the High Court’s jurisdiction in proceedings to enforce a foreign judgment debt
- Advising on the enforceability in Germany of an English judgment obtained under a corporate guarantee
- Advising on proceedings in the Company Names Tribunal
- Successfully defending an application for summary judgment in a breach of contract claim relating to faulty goods
- Successfully setting aside default judgment in a claim for breach of contract
- Drafting pleadings in various claims relating to bailment and liens over goods
- Acting for a number of independent schools in proceedings relating to unpaid fees
- Appearing in various winding up petitions, bankruptcy petitions, and related proceedings
During his time as a pupil with Roger Laville and Morwenna Macro, Felix gained diverse experience of Chambers’ commercial and insolvency work. He drafted pleadings and witness statements, produced research on the law of unlawful means conspiracy in Guernsey, attended a civil fraud trial, and saw a one-day mediation in a director’s misfeasance case.
- Acting for a local authority defending a claim for judicial review arising from their homelessness duties under Part VII of the Housing Act 1996
- Advising on a misrepresentation claim arising from a freeholder’s failure to issue a Section 20 Notice in relation to an overhaul of a building’s water supply
- Acting for a freeholder seeking injunctive relief against leaseholders in respect of unauthorised construction works
- Advising on the scope of the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022
- Acting in, and advising on, numerous claims for housing disrepair
- Drafting a Challenge to a Valuation Office Agency decision on non-domestic rates payable
- Acting for various private and social landlords in possession claims
- Obtaining interim and final anti-social behaviour injunctions, and acting in committal proceedings
Further Info
- BA English Literature, University of Bristol (First)
- MA Law, University of Bristol (Merit)
- BTC, BPP Law School (Very Competent)
Awards / Scholarships
- UK Champion and Global Octofinalist (round of 16), Jessup Competition 2021— Felix was also ranked as the 10th best oralist in the worldwide Advanced Rounds.
- Full fee BTC Scholarship (BPP)
- GDL Scholarship (Gray’s Inn)
- National winner, BPP Advocate of the Year Competition 2017