Five Paper’s mini-pupillage
A mini-pupillage will help you decide whether a career at the Bar is for you by exposing you to the type of work that a barrister will typically carry out.
What is a mini-pupillage?
Mini-pupillage will usually include attending court, observing a conference with the barrister and client, looking through case papers in chambers and discussing the case with the barrister.
At Five Paper, mini-pupillages are not assessed and are not a requirement for pupillage applicants.
Who should apply?
We support diversity and equal opportunities and encourage applications from people of all backgrounds. The type of people we are looking for are those who can demonstrate that they are interested in becoming a barrister and practising in England & Wales, and have some potential to succeed. Applicants are encouraged to include exam grades, recent academic and non-academic achievements, and other life experiences and skills demonstrating aptitude for the Bar. Those without a solid academic background are encouraged to explain any poor results and demonstrate success in other areas.
Mini-pupillage applicants must be 18 years or older and must be at least in or about to enter their penultimate year of a law degree or ultimate year of a non-law degree (first year law students may apply after they have received their exam results). We also welcome applications from post-graduates, including CPE/GDL and BPTC students.
How should you apply?
Please apply to Morwenna Macro by sending an email to and complying with the following:
- The subject heading should be your name, followed by the season you are applying for;
- Attach an up-to-date CV including grades;
- In the body of the email include a short covering note setting out (i) your reasons for wanting to experience a mini-pupillage and (ii) your available dates during the season applied for in order of preference;
- Below your signature, please include your mobile telephone number and preferred email address for use during the mini pupillage.
What about funding?
Mini-pupillages at Five Paper are not funded, however in exceptional circumstances we may be able to help with travel and other expenses (for further information please see our policy).
How long do they last?
Mini-pupillages normally last for a 2-3 day period within a given week.
When are they offered?
We have two mini-pupillage seasons per year.
Applications for Spring/Summer (March to July) will open on 1 November and close on 31 December.
Applications for Autumn/Winter will open on 1 June and close on 31 July.
Applications are considered in date order. Please do not chase. If you do not receive an offer, please reapply in the next cycle.
What happens next?
Successful applicants will be contacted with an offer of mini-pupillage and an information sheet. There are no interviews.
Unless told otherwise, mini-pupils should attend our offices on the first day at 9am, wearing a dark suit and sensible footwear.
If there’s anything else you’d like to know, please contact Morwenna Macro.
If your query is urgent or you have a question immediately before or during a mini-pupillage, please telephone our clerks on 020 7815 3200.
Mini-Pupil Information, Confidentiality & Data
Work Experience Information Sheet
Mini-Pupillage and Work Experience Policy